National Payments Strategy: Public Consultation

Closed11 Dec, 2023, 15:00 - 23 Feb, 2024, 23:59

We welcome your feedback

The Department of Finance invites all stakeholders to provide comments on the questions raised in this consultation paper. The closing date for providing feedback is 14 February 2024. Responses received after this deadline may not be considered. The Department of Finance appreciates the time that you have taken to read and consider the content and questions that are outlined in this consultation paper.

We would like to draw your attention to our Data Privacy Notice[1] which explains how and when we collect personal data, why we do so and how we treat this information. It also explains your rights in relation to the collection of personal information and how you can exercise those rights.

The Department of Finance requests that you provide reasons and explanations for the responses you provide to the questions in this consultation paper as this will aid consideration of the issues. Where possible, please also provide material, or references to material, that support or evidence the points you make in your responses. It is important that all relevant arguments underpinned by supporting evidence and any relevant information is provided so that the NPS can fully understand and explore issues impacting on the future of payments in Ireland. In this manner, you can ensure that your views and arguments can be considered and taken into account when developing the NPS.

Not all matters relating to NPS have been addressed in this public consultation. However, in the course of its work in the coming months, the Department of Finance will be addressing all matters outlined in the ToR.

Finally, stakeholders can engage directly with the NPS team on any matter related to this consultation paper or any issue relating to the NPS by emailing the Department of Finance at


[1] Note: This is a public consultation, and the Freedom of Information Act 2014 applies. This means that written submission may be published by the Department of Finance in full. In responding to this consultation, parties should clearly indicate where their responses contain personal information, commercially sensitive information or confidential information which they would not wish to be released under FOI, AIE or otherwise published.